Redecker kartulikott sobib suurepäraselt kartulite hoiustamiseks: robustne kotiriie välisosas ja puuvillane nõgesest kangas seespool tagavad selle, et kartulid oleks piisavalt õhutatud. Nööri abil saab kotti avada ja sulgeda. Küljel on ka tugev lukk, mille kaudu saab kartuleid saab välja võtta.
Materjalid: robustne kotiriie, nõgesest kangas
Suurus: 30 x 50 cm
The Redecker Potato bag is ideal for storing potatoes: robust old burlap on the outside and nettle cotton on the inside ensures that the potatoes are properly aired. The cord allows the bag to be opened for filling and drawn closed. A sturdy zipper on the side serves for easy removal of potatoes.
Materials: robust burlap on the outside, nettle cotton on the inside
Size: 30 x 50 cm