LastSwab Baby Green korduvkasutatav kõrvatikk lastele

Hind: 11,00 €
Tootekood:  16161
Kaubamärk:  LastObject
Laoseis:  3
Kogus :  
Beebide LastSwab sobib suurepäraselt õrnade piirkondade puhastamiseks - nagu silmaümbrus, väliskõrv, nina - või kreemi kandmiseks soovitud kohtadele.

See on jätkusuutlik ja taaskasutatav valik, mis asendab kuni 1000 ühekordset vatitikku.

Nüüd saab iga pereliige olla keskkonnasõbralik!

LastSwabi kvaliteetne ümbris on valmistatud ümbertöödeldud ookeaniprügist. 

The LastSwab Baby is perfect for cleaning those delicate areas around the eye, outer ears, nose and navel, or for applying cream to targeted areas.

A sustainable and reusable choice that replaces up to 1000 cotton swabs.

Now every member of the family can go green!

Resuable Toddler Friendly q-tip
The LastSwab Baby is a resuable and sustainable alternative to single-use q-tips. It's ends are specially it’s ends are specially designed with the perfect shape and size to prevent deep insertion, protecting your child from injury.

Easy to Clean & Reuse
LastSwab can be cleaned by hand using soap and water. Reuse up to 1000 times. It’s durable and safe both for you and the environment.

High-Quality Danish Design
LastSwab Baby comes in a quality case that is made of Recycled Ocean-Bound Plastic. That makes it easy to store in your bathroom, in your toddler bag or to bring on travels.


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